Nathanael Wong

Nathanael Wong Zhixin

PhD Candidate

Harvard University

Hello! I am a PhD Candidate in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University, currently working under Professor Kuang Zhiming on a variety of different projects related to tropical convection and climate, especially as relates to the Maritime Continent. See the links above for a more detailed breakdown, along with the relevant publications.

Feel free to reach out to me via email if you have any questions.


  • Tropical Meteorology and Climate
  • Dynamics of the Maritime Continent
  • High Resolution Climate Modelling
  • Observational Meteorology


  • PhD in Climate Dynamics, in progress.

    Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Harvard

  • BSc in Environmental Earth Systems Science, 2015

    Nanyang Technological University

Research Interests

Convection and Climate

How does convection couple with large-scale vertical motion in the tropics

(more info)

Maritime Continent Dynamics

How do the islands of the Maritime Continent drive climate at different scales?

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Idealized Island Modelling

How do we represent tropical islands in climate models in an idealised framework?

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GNSS in Meteorology

Using GNSS to study precipitable water vapour in the atmosphere

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Previous Research

Moderate Sumatran Earthquakes

Modelling and cataloguing moderate earthquakes in Sumatra using SuGAr

Bolaven Plateau Catastraloess

Investigating the sedimentology of the Bolaven Plateau Catastraloess