Defining NASA Precipitation Datasets

Defining a NASAPrecipitationDataset is easy, all you have to define are two things:

  1. Date range, ranging from start to stop
  2. Data path, i.e. where you want to save the NASA Precipitation Data
    start = Date(),
    stop  = Date(),
    path  = ...


See below for an example of defining an IMERGDataset

julia> using NASAPrecipitation
julia> npd = IMERGFinalHH(start=Date(2017,2,1),stop=Date(2017,2,1),path=homedir())[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:21.442 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - Setting up data structure containing information on Final IMERG Half-Hourly data to be downloaded The NASA Precipitation Dataset {String,Date} has the following properties: Dataset ID (ID) : imergv7finalhh Logging Name (name) : Final IMERGv7 Half-Hourly DOI URL (doi) : 10.5067/GPM/IMERG/3B-HH/07 Data Directory (datapath) : /home/runner/imergv7finalhh Mask Directory (maskpath) : /home/runner/imergmask Date Begin (start) : 2017-02-01 Date End (stop) : 2017-02-01 Timestep : 30 minutes Data Resolution : 0.1º Data Server (hroot) :
julia> npd.start2017-02-01
julia> npd.datapath"/home/runner/imergv7finalhh"
julia> npd.fpref"3B-HHR.MS.MRG.3IMERG"
julia> typeof(npd)NASAPrecipitation.IMERGHalfHourly{String, Date}
julia> typeof(npd) <: NASAPrecipitation.NASAPrecipitationDatasettrue

And below for an example of defining a TRMMDataset

julia> using NASAPrecipitation
julia> npd = TRMMMonthly(start=Date(2017,2,1),stop=Date(2017,2,1),path=homedir())[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:21.679 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - Setting up data structure containing information on TRMM Monthly data to be downloaded The NASA Precipitation Dataset {String,Date} has the following properties: Dataset ID (ID) : trmmmonthly Logging Name (name) : TRMM Monthly (TMPA 3B43) DOI URL (doi) : 10.5067/TRMM/TMPA/MONTH/7 Data Directory (datapath) : /home/runner/trmmmonthly Mask Directory (maskpath) : /home/runner/trmmmask Date Begin (start) : 2017-01-01 Date End (stop) : 2017-12-31 Timestep : 1 Month Data Resolution : 0.25º Data Server (hroot) :
julia> npd.start2017-01-01
julia> npd.datapath"/home/runner/trmmmonthly"
julia> npd.fpref"3B43"
julia> typeof(npd)TRMMMonthly{String, Date}
julia> typeof(npd) <: NASAPrecipitation.NASAPrecipitationDatasettrue

We see that the input arguments, and the fields of the resulting dataset, are the same despite the different dataset Types.