Downloading and Reading NASA Precipitation Datasets

In this page we show how you can download data for a given NASAPrecipitation dataset.


using NASAPrecipitation
using CairoMakie
using DelimitedFiles

coast = readdlm("coast.cst",comments=true)
clon  = coast[:,1]
clat  = coast[:,2]

Required dependencies

Since we are downloading from NASA's EOSDIS OPeNDAP servers, you are required to perform the following:

  1. You need to register an account with Earthdata and allow access to the NASA EOSDISC on it.
  2. Create a .netrc file with the following information: machine login <your login> password <your password>
  3. Create a .dodsrc file with the following lines: (1) HTTP.COOKIEJAR=/<home directory>/.urs_cookies and (2) HTTP.NETRC=/<home directory>/.netrc

If this sounds complicated however, fear not! You need only perform the first step yourself (i.e. create your own account), for NASAPrecipitation.jl will automatically set up the .dodsrc file (if you don't already have one), and once you have your <login> and <password>, you can use the function setup() to set up your .netrc file.

    login = <username>
    password = <password>

Downloading NASAPrecipitationDatasets

Downloading NASA Precipitation data is as simple as

npd = NASAPrecipitationDataset(args...)
geo = GeoRegion(args...)

Let us download the IMERGMonthly Dataset for 2020 over the Caribbean (as defined by the AR6 IPCC), for example

npd = IMERGMonthly(start=Date(2020),stop=Date(2020))
geo = GeoRegion("AR6_CAR")
lsd = getLandSea(npd,geo)
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:24.978 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - Setting up data structure containing information on IMERG Monthly data to be downloaded
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:25.147 - GeoRegions.jl - Retrieving information for the GeoRegion defined by the ID AR6_CAR
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:28.281 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - Checking to see if the specified GeoRegion "AR6_CAR" is within the "IMERG" GeoRegion
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:28.281 - GeoRegions.jl - Retrieving information for the GeoRegion defined by the ID IMERG
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:28.355 - GeoRegions.jl - Performing a check to determine if the Caribbean GeoRegion (AR6_CAR) is inside the Global IMERG Dataset GeoRegion (IMERG)
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:28.355 - GeoRegions.jl - The GeoRegion AR6_CAR (Caribbean) is indeed a subset of the GeoRegion IMERG (Global IMERG Dataset)
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:28.356 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - The IMERG Land-Sea mask dataset for the "AR6_CAR" GeoRegion is not available, extracting from Global IMERG Land-Sea mask dataset ...
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:28.356 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - The Global IMERG Land-Sea mask dataset for the "AR6_CAR" GeoRegion is not available, downloading from the NASA OPeNDAP servers ...
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:28.391 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - Retrieving the original IMERG Land-Sea Mask data from NASA's EOSDIS OPeNDAP servers
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:30.224 - GeoRegions.jl - Retrieving information for the GeoRegion defined by the ID IMERG
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:33.431 - GeoRegions.jl - Creating a RegionGrid for the Caribbean GeoRegion
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:33.431 - GeoRegions.jl - Creating vector of latitude indices to extract ...
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:33.431 - GeoRegions.jl - Creating vector of longitude indices to extract ...
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:33.431 - GeoRegions.jl - Since the Caribbean GeoRegion is a PolyRegion, we need to defined a mask as well ...
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:33.857 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - Extracting regional IMERG Land-Sea mask for the "AR6_CAR" GeoRegion from the Global IMERG Land-Sea mask dataset ...
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:34.359 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - Retrieving the regional IMERG Land-Sea mask for the "AR6_CAR" GeoRegion ...
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:36.676 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - Downloading IMERGv7 Monthly data for the Caribbean GeoRegion from 2020-01-01 to 2020-12-31
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:36.676 - GeoRegions.jl - Retrieving information for the GeoRegion defined by the ID IMERG
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:36.677 - GeoRegions.jl - Performing a check to determine if the Caribbean GeoRegion (AR6_CAR) is inside the Global IMERG Dataset GeoRegion (IMERG)
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:36.677 - GeoRegions.jl - The GeoRegion AR6_CAR (Caribbean) is indeed a subset of the GeoRegion IMERG (Global IMERG Dataset)
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:36.677 - GeoRegions.jl - Creating a RegionGrid for the Caribbean GeoRegion
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:36.678 - GeoRegions.jl - Creating vector of latitude indices to extract ...
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:36.678 - GeoRegions.jl - Creating vector of longitude indices to extract ...
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:36.678 - GeoRegions.jl - Since the Caribbean GeoRegion is a PolyRegion, we need to defined a mask as well ...
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:36.679 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - Preallocating temporary arrays for extraction of IMERGv7 Monthly data for the Caribbean GeoRegion from the original gridded dataset
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:36.679 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - Downloading IMERGv7 Monthly data for the Caribbean GeoRegion from the NASA Earthdata servers using OPeNDAP protocols for 2020 ...
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:44.952 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - Saving IMERGv7 Monthly data in the Caribbean GeoRegion for 2020-01-01
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:44.952 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - Creating NetCDF file /home/runner/imergv7monthly/AR6_CAR/ ...
[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:45.970 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - IMERGv7 Monthly data in the Caribbean GeoRegion for 2020-01-01 has been saved into /home/runner/imergv7monthly/AR6_CAR/

Reading data for a downloaded NASAPrecipitationDataset

And now that you have downloaded the data, you can use the function read() to call the NCDataset that points towards the downloaded data.

ds = read(npd,geo,Date(2020))
Dataset: /home/runner/imergv7monthly/AR6_CAR/
Group: /

   longitude = 350
   latitude = 130
   time = 12

  longitude   (350)
    Datatype:    Float32 (Float32)
    Dimensions:  longitude
     units                = degrees_east
     long_name            = longitude

  latitude   (130)
    Datatype:    Float32 (Float32)
    Dimensions:  latitude
     units                = degrees_north
     long_name            = latitude

  precipitation   (350 × 130 × 12)
    Datatype:    Float32 (Float32)
    Dimensions:  longitude × latitude × time
     units                = kg m**-2 s**-1
     long_name            = precipitation_rate
     full_name            = Precipitation Rate

Global attributes
  AlgorithmVersion     = 3IMERGM_6.3
  AlgorithmID          = 3IMERGM
  doi                  = 10.5067/GPM/IMERG/3B-MONTH/07

As shown in the printout of the NCDataset, the precipitation data is saved under the field name precipitation, and is in units of kg m**-2 s**-1, or alternatively mm s**-1.

prcp = ds["precipitation"][:,:,:] * 3600

fig = Figure()
_,_,slon,slat = coordGeoRegion(geo)
aspect = (maximum(slon)-minimum(slon))/(maximum(slat)-minimum(slat))

ax = Axis(
    title="February 2020",xlabel="Longitude / º",ylabel="Latitude / º",

ax = Axis(
    title="August 2020",xlabel="Longitude / º",

hideydecorations!(ax, ticks = false,grid=false)

Example block output

Where is the data saved to?

You can check where the data is saved to for a given dataset, georegion and datetime by using the function npdfnc()

fnc = npdfnc(npd,geo,Date(2020))


    login     :: AbstractString = "",
    password  :: AbstractString = "",
    overwrite :: Bool = false

Function that sets up your .dodsrc and .netrc files for you. If you do not provide the keyword arguments for login and password, the .netrc file will not be created.

Keyword arguments

  • login : Your Earthdata username. You need to specify both login and password arguments.
  • password : Your Earthdata password. You need to specify both login and password arguments.
  • overwrite : If true, overwrite existing .dodsrc and .netrc files with the data provided.
    npd :: NASAPrecipitationDataset,
    geo :: GeoRegion = GeoRegion("GLB");
    overwrite :: Bool = false
) -> nothing

Downloads a NASA Precipitation dataset specified by npd for a GeoRegion specified by geo


  • npd : a NASAPrecipitationDataset specifying the dataset details and date download range
  • geo : a GeoRegion (see GeoRegions.jl) that sets the geographic bounds of the data array in lon-lat

Keyword Arguments

  • overwrite : If true, overwrite any existing files
    npd :: NASAPrecipitationDataset,
    geo :: GeoRegion,
    dt  :: TimeType;
    lonlat :: Bool = false
) -> NCDataset           (if lonlat = false)
  -> lon, lat, NCDataset (if lonlat = true)

Reads a NASA Precipitation dataset specified by npd for a GeoRegion specified by geo at a date specified by dt.


  • npd : a NASAPrecipitationDataset specifying the dataset details and date download range
  • geo : a GeoRegion (see GeoRegions.jl) that sets the geographic bounds of the data array in lon-lat
  • dt : A specified date. The NCDataset retrieved may will contain data for the date, although it may also contain data for other dates depending on the NASAPrecipitationDataset specified by npd

Keyword Arguments

  • lonlat : if true, then return the longitude and latitude vectors for the dataset. Otherwise only the NCDataset type will be returned.
    npd :: NASAPrecipitationDataset,
    geo :: GeoRegion,
    dt  :: TimeType
) -> String

Returns of the path of the file for the NASA Precipitation dataset specified by npd for a GeoRegion specified by geo at a date specified by dt.


  • npd : a NASAPrecipitationDataset specifying the dataset details and date download range
  • geo : a GeoRegion (see GeoRegions.jl) that sets the geographic bounds of the data array in lon-lat
  • dt : A specified date. The NCDataset retrieved may will contain data for the date, although it may also contain data for other dates depending on the NASAPrecipitationDataset specified by npd