Dummy Datasets

Dummy datasets are meant to specify the paths to the NASAPrecipitation root directory, and LandSea Dataset directory, without needing inputs for date.

IMERGDummy{ST<:AbstractString} <: IMERGDataset

Object containing information on path information for IMERG datasets, with the following fields:

  • rootpath : path of folder containing all GPM IMERG datasets
  • maskpath : path of folder containing IMERG LandSea mask data
TRMMDummy{ST<:AbstractString} <: TRMMDataset

Object containing information on path information for TRMM datasets, with the following fields:

  • rootpath : path of folder containing all GPM IMERG datasets
  • maskpath : path of folder containing IMERG LandSea mask data
julia> using NASAPrecipitation
julia> npd = IMERGDummy(path=homedir())[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:23.393 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - Setting up data structure containing path information for IMERG Dummy Dataset The IMERG Dummy Dataset {String} has the following properties: Root Directory (rootpath) : /home/runner Mask Directory (maskpath) : /home/runner/imergmask Data Resolution : 0.1º
julia> npd = TRMMDummy(path=homedir())[ Info: 2024-02-17T00:56:23.423 - NASAPrecipitation.jl - Setting up data structure containing path information for TRMM Dummy Dataset The TRMM Dummy Dataset {String} has the following properties: Root Directory (rootpath) : /home/runner Mask Directory (maskpath) : /home/runner/trmmmask Data Resolution : 0.25º
julia> isdir(npd.maskpath)true


    ST = String;
    path  :: AbstractString = homedir(),
) -> npd :: IMERGDummy

Creates a IMERGDummy dataset npd that contains information on the data and mask paths

Keyword Arguments

  • path : The directory in which the folder imergmask will be created for the IMERG Land-Sea mask
    ST = String;
    path  :: AbstractString = homedir(),
) -> npd :: IMERGDummy

Creates a TRMMDummy dataset npd that contains information on the data and mask paths

Keyword Arguments

  • path : The directory in which the folder trmmmask will be created for the TRMM Land-Sea mask