An Overview of the NASA Precipitation Datasets

A NASA Precipitation Dataset is defined to be a dataset from the NASA Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission. As of now, this package supports the following Level 3 products:

  • GPM IMERGv6, 0.1º resolution, 60ºS to 60ºN
    • Final runs for Half-Hourly, Daily and Monthly Data
    • Early and Late runs of Half-Hourly and Daily Data
  • TRMM TMPAv7, 0.25º resolution, 50ºS to 50ºN
    • Final runs for 3-Hourly, Daily and Monthly Data
    • Near Real-Time runs of 3-Hourly and Daily Data

The NASAPrecipitationDataset AbstractType is meant as an overarching type container for information that identifies various NASA Precipitation Datasets. The NASAPrecipitationDataset Type has two sub-Types:

  • The IMERGDataset for the GPM IMERG Dataset
  • The TRMMDataset for the TRMM TMPA Dataset

Each of these Abstract superTypes has its own set of Types. See the summary table below for an overview, and the respective pages for GPM IMERG and TRMM TMPA for more information.

NASAPrecipitationDataset{ST<:AbstractString, DT<:TimeType}
    ID    :: ST
    name  :: ST
    doi   :: ST
    start :: DT
    stop  :: DT
    datapath :: ST
    maskpath :: ST
    hroot :: ST
    fpref :: ST
    fsuff :: ST

Abstract supertype for NASA Precipitation datasets on NASA OPeNDAP Servers.


  • ID : ID for the NASAPrecipitationDataset, used in determining containing folders and filenames of the NetCDF
  • name : The name describing the NASAPrecipitationDataset, used mostly in Logging
  • doi : The DOI identifier, to be saved into the NetCDF
  • start : The start date (Y,M,D) of our download / analysis
  • stop : The end date (Y,M,D) of our download / analysis
  • datapath : The directory in which to save our downloads and analysis files to
  • maskpath : The directory in which to save our corresponding landsea mask datasets
  • hroot : The URL of the NASA's EOSDIS OPeNDAP server for which this dataset is stored
  • fpref : The prefix component of the NetCDF files to be downloaded
  • fsuff : The suffix component of the NetCDF files to be downloaded

Of these fields, only start, stop, datapath and maskpath are user-defined. All other fields are predetermined depending on the type of NASA Precipitation Dataset called.

IMERGDataset <: NASAPrecipitationDataset

Abstract supertype for GPM IMERG datasets on NASA OPeNDAP Servers, a subType of NASAPrecipitationDataset.

TRMMDataset <: NASAPrecipitationDataset

Abstract supertype for TRMM TMPA datasets on NASA OPeNDAP Servers, a subType of NASAPrecipitationDataset.


All subTypes of the NASAPrecipitationDataset have the same basic fields and structure.

Summary Table

SuperTypeTypeEarly NRT(Late) NRTFinal NRT
IMERG MonthlyIMERGDatasetIMERGMonthlyIMERGMonthly()
TRMM 3 HourTRMMDatasetTRMM3HourlyTRMM3HourlyNRT()TRMM3Hourly()
TRMM MonthlyTRMMDatasetTRMMMonthlyTRMMMonthly()